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Spicy Cauliflower Tofu Curry

Welcome to my (food) blog. I've decided to expand my blog by adding a food section. I cook almost every day (sometimes more than once!) and enjoy improvising and trying out new receipes, so it only makes sense to share some of my yummier creations with you all. Since this is my first entry, today's recipe is an original.

I think most people can relate to the situation where you get to the evening and you relaize you haven't really considered what to make for dinner. You open the fridge and find that one ingredient that really needs to been eaten and then browse around in your cupboards for that which will turn this one ingredient into a meal. Today I realized I had half a ehad of cauliflower in need of consumption. I found tofu in the fridge, peas in the freezer, and soy cream in the cupboard. I grabbed some cashews also in need of being eaten, a can of diced tomatoes, and the tub of curry paste I keep in the fridge and was all set to make a curry. I always find it exciting just winging it when it comes to cooking; you never quite know what you're going to get. Today's experiment turned out really well!

There are so many options for preparing food. Today I went for the straightforward, chuck it all in a pan, approach. The most time cosnuming part of this recipe is that it takes time for the cauliflower to become tender. Of course you don't want it to be limp, it needs some bite, nevertheless, this will take abotu 20 minutes. Alternatively, if you like a bit of crunch, it is possible to roast cauliflower in the oven in about 20 minutes. You can also choose to pre-boil your cauliflower. Neither of these options will shorten the dishes cooking time, merely the texture of the cauliflower. Of course you can also used frozen cauliflower. I have never used this so I can't be sure, but I suspect once it has thawed this will cook faster. Don't hold me to it though!


Serves: 3 - 4

Time: 30 - 40 min


- Cauliflower - 300g

- (frozen) Peas - 200g

- Tofu - 200g

- Cashews - 15g/pp

- Rice - approx. 75g/pp

- Vegetable oil

- Parsley - optional for serving

- Fried onions - optional for serving


- Diced Tomatos - 400g can

- Soy cream - 250g

- Thai Red Chili Paste - approx. 15g (to taste)

- Cayenne pepper - 10g/2 teaspoons

- Kurkuma/Turmeric - 10g/2 teaspoons

- Onion powder - 5g/1 teaspoon

- Vegetable stock powder - 15g/1 tablespoon


1. Roast the cashews in a dry pan. Put aside in a cup.

2. Dice tofu in cubes of 1-1,5cm. Marinate in cayenne pepper (1 teaspoon/5g) and some oil. Fry in the wok till they become a little crispy.

3. Break the cauliflower into smaller florrets. Add to the wok. (Alternatively the cauliflower can be roasted in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180-200°C before being added to the curry. If you choose to do so cook the curry accoridng to the isntructions below and add the cauliflower at the end)

4. Add frozen peas, diced tomatoes, soy cream, chili paste, turmeric, cayenne pepper (1 teaspoon/5g), vegetable stock, and onion powder. Let simmer for approx. 20 minutes till cauliflower is tender.

5. Boil approx. 1L of water and add in rice as needed. Add in some vegetable stock powder for taste.

6. Drain rice and rinse with hot water to get rid of starch.

7. Serve curry over rice and add cashews on top. Complete with parsley and fried onion if desired.

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